International Workshop on Sustainability of Agricultural Water Management and Digitalizing Oct 02, 2023 - Oct 06, 2023, Diyarbakır City, Turkey

Sustainability of Agricultural Water Management and Digitalizing
As part of the 50th Anniversary of Dicle University
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Topics - Agricultural Water Management, Irrigation and Sustainability, Digitalizing and Smart Irrigation on Agriculture, Fertigation, Innovation and Research on Irrigation, Integrated Water Management, Irrigation and Environment, Irrigation Water Productivity, Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Agriculture and Water Management, Environmental and Agronomic Issues on Agricultural Water Management, Climate Change, Drought, Other Issues Related to Workshop Topics


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<p><strong>Geography</strong></p> <p>Turkey occupies a total area of about 783560 Sq.Km. of which approximately 10400 Sq.Km. are inland lakes. It forms the bridge between Europe and Asia, with about 3% of its land in Europe (Thrace) and the rest in Asia (Anatolia). Turkey is located between 26° - 45°E longitudes and 36° - 42°N latitudes. Turkey has an area of 78 Mha, of which about 1.1 million is inland lakes and forms an elongated rectangle roughly. The east-west direction is 1,650 Km and the north to south is 1,000 Km. Turkey’s average altitude (1,132 m) is higher than that (1,050 m) of Asia and three and a half times higher than that (330 m) of Europe. The total coastline is over 10 000 Km, compared to a total land border with other countries of about 2 950 Km in length.</p> <p><strong>Population and land ...Read more


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